We believe that we’ll reap when we sow in good ground. We encourage you to give tithings and to live a lifestyle of giving. Heartbeat Church wants to be open and transparent about where we sow our incoming funds into. We make sure all operational costs are covered. Besides these costs, we engage ourself to support 4 organizations and ministries on a monthly basis. We also give one-time gifts to local or international initiatives. This will be announced during our weekly Sunday services.
Would you like to transfer a gift to Heartbeat Church :
BE48 0014 1133 3327 • BIC: GEBABEBB
Our Heartbeat Church leader, Luc Depreter, gave a message on giving tithings and giving financially during one of our Sunday Services. Feel free to listen to it here .
Organisations and ministries we support on a monthly basis:
Cherut VZW
Cherut offers help and support to girls, women and transgender people in vulnerable situations linked to prostitution, exploitation and human trafficking.
Cherut means freedom and stands for the freedom to choose, especially for those who have little or no choice. Together we stand for a world without injustice and exploitation and we support this target group in finding freedom in their lives. Freedom to choose. Freedom to find yourself (again) and to stand in your power. Freedom to realize your dreams.
More info on the Cherut website: https://www.cherutbelgium.com
Christine Tooze
Christine lives in Sheffield (UK). Moved by her passion to share Jesus in all His ways, opens Christine the door towards God for a lot of people. She has a prophetic and apostolic ministry. Christine loves to see people walk into their destiny. Heartbeat Church receives her often as a guest speaker.
Marlene Holtzhausen

Marlene Holtzhausen is from South Africa where she did her university studies. She is called to serve as prophet. Previously she worked as an intercessor in the team of Reinhardt Böncke. She travelled over the whole world as a prophet until the Lord called her back to her roots (The Huguenots). So since 2000 she lives and serves in France. She walks intimately with the Lord and speaks His Word boldly.
Photocredit: Klara Mertens – Duizend Woorden
Tabita VZW
Tabita vzw is a food bank that offers material support to the poor in the form of food and clothing. In addition, Tabita also supports people in need by selflessly sharing the love of Jesus. This is done by spending time with them to listen to and comfort them.
For over 15 years, Tabita has supported more than a hundred families on a weekly basis and more than 600 persons every month.
Over the years Tabita has helped hundreds of families to get through difficult periods of their existence. The subsistence and assistance provided for their basic needs have often given them the required space to take the necessary steps to lift themselves out of poverty.
For more information, please contact Tabita, and if you wish to support us financially, please do this via bank account BE44 7350 0381 7845.
Video on the work of Jeanine Weyckmans, founder of Tabita VZW:
More info on Tabitha’s Facebook page: @BruxellesTabita