Glorious Source of all

The Spirit of God is beginning to move in his people a way we are not accustomed too, changing us to met a world that is changing and know’s very little about Peace. How can we learn to become a people who can lean into difficulties, and embrace the uncomfortable.

Knowing our God will teach us to grow in these times of acceptance and be filled with his peace. The choice is ours … learn his ways of Peace and let nothing deter us, or be the same as those around us and believe the lie that we have to solve everything, and worry over everything, and lose our very strength and Peace we have in Trusting God.


Glorious Source of all

In the gentle cadence of life’s dance
From morning’s first light, to evening’s first trance
Bless us with moments both humble and grand
And hold our endeavours in your gracious hand

For the blessings we see
The laughter, the joy, the moments so free
And for those unnoticed silently sown
In the background of life quietly grown

Bestow upon us the gift of your sight
To recognize blessings hidden from light
In the kindness of strangers, in tears that cleanse
In challenges that guide, and love that mends

May our hearts be vessels,
Overflowing with gratitude, void of any wrestles
For the abundance you give both big and small
Remind us to cherish to honour them all

Grant us the wisdom to share and extend
These blessings we receive as both giver and friend
To amplify goodness to be your hands extension
Spreading love hope and joy without apprehension

In the canvas of life as blessings unfold
Let gratitude paint stories brilliantly bold
May every heartbeat each breath that we take
Be a symphony of thanks for the blessings you make

