Easter celebration with the passion story brought by sand artist Immanuel Boie.
Sunday 17.04.22 – 10 am
How I describe myself:
I am an unusual teacher of music in a school for exceptional education. My job is to express myself creatively. Lessons in drama, music, movement, media and images. In my free-time, I just continue my job but without ‘school supervision’, in a more extreme form. I AM not crazy, I AM BEHAVING crazy: that’s my excuse. In my hands things start getting an identity-crisis, but… they are getting over it.
I’m especially a drawer… because that the skill what I’m most trained in. Because I’m raised without watching television, I didn’t wasted my time by sitting down but by playing and … drawing. A wise Man commanded His disciples to not bury their talents but to use them. I say: bury your TV and develop your talents!